Hottest times of the year
July through October is the hottest time of the year, but even in the winter months the temperature rarely falls below 20°C even at night. These months are considered a hurricane season and so can bring some storms.
Hurricanes have hit the islands on average once every seven years and pass near every two years

How much sunshine?
The Islands receive constant sunshine throughout the year. Daily sunshine hours fall slightly in November and December due to the shorter daylight hours in winter months

How warm is the water?
It is always warm enough for a very comfortable swim. Info shown is for Grace Bay. Some other beaches such as Taylor Bay have shallower water and can be much warmer.

How much rain?
Rainfall days means days on which there was SOME rain. This may not mean a RAINY day. Sometimes the rain may only last for just a few minutes. RAINY days are shown below.

How many rainy days?
Actual rainy days are far fewer. In fact, Turks and Caicos has the lowest number of rainy days of all Caribbean islands with only 40 to 42 days per annum up to 2016

When is the busiest time?
The number of visitors by month shows the quietest month is September and the busiest time is December – April.

Weather data from /
Visitor data based on average of 2015/2016 visitors TCI Departing visitors survey 2017